Los CFD son instrumentos complejos que implican un alto nivel de riesgo, por lo que podría perder dinero rápidamente debido al uso de apalancamiento. El 55.62% de las cuentas de inversores minoristas pierde dinero al negociar con CFD mediante este proveedor.
Debe considerar si comprende cómo funcionan los CFD y si puede permitirse correr el riesgo de perder su dinero.

La empresa ya no acepta el registro de nuevos client

El 55.62% de las cuentas de inversores minoristas pierde dinero al negociar con CFD. Lee mas


Esperamos ponernos en contacto con usted pronto.

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Important Announcement

Dear Valued Client,

We kindly inform you that VPR Safe Financial Group Ltd (the “Company”) is in the process of voluntarily renouncing its CIF Authorisation with Licence number 236/14. Consequently, the Company will cease providing investment and ancillary services effective from 13/11/2024.

The Company will no longer accept new clients or open any new accounts, while it has terminated all its existing clients.

If you are an existing client, you should have received an email providing information about your trading account(s) and the procedure for requesting the return of any remaining funds and/or financial instruments.

Finally, the Company has implemented a procedure for handling complaints. Please submit any complaints to: compliance@alvexo.eu

Should you require any clarifications please contact us at customerservice@alvexo.eu